We are educators, passionate about public education.

Our greatest joy comes from seeing our partners become so successful they never need us again.

National Reach. Local Impact.

Since 2011, we have partnered with over 300 public school districts nationwide to create real, sustainable growth for educators and students.

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"Educators can't meet the challenges of today with the methods of the past."
Shannon Buerk
CEO & Founder

Professional development has traditionally been a compliance-based, one-size-fits-all model that too often leaves public school systems without the tools, insights, or platform to address the challenges facing educators today. engage2learn is committed to shifting and scaling how public schools support educators, using the Talent Development Pillars to transform PD with smart professional learning solutions and our all-in-one coaching platform to bring out the best in every teacher and their students—with the data to prove that it's working.

Meet our Founder & CEO, Shannon K Buerk

We hustle every day to ensure our partner districts can…


Accelerate Student Outcomes


Attract & Retain Teachers


Streamline & Simplify Systems

Since 2011, we have been helping public schools implement smart professional learning that integrates professional growth analytics with student and staff outcomes. This Education Intelligence gives leaders actionable insights into what initiatives are driving the most change and improvements.

We want to be your talent development and implementation partner.

Watch Overview

Experience & expertise without adding to your payroll

Our diverse team of elite educators support your educators and staff with evidence-based interventions and research-backed instructional strategies that ignite a culture of growth, achievement, and engagement.

collage of e2l team members

Driven by mission.
Serving with humility.

Our mission is fueled by our passion for public schools, but our cultural tenets define our commitment and expectations for how we treat each other and the thousands of educators who entrust us with the professional growth of their educators, staff, and learners.

Interested in joining the team?

We are always looking for top-notch professionals who can help us make the neighborhood public school the first choice for every family.